Join us for our May meeting
WHERE: Plymouth International Hotel, 20 Courtney Street, New Plymouth.
WHEN: Tuesday 20th May 2025, doors open 7pm for networking, please be seated by 7:30pm
- Non-members $20 – registration and prepyment online through the TPIA website is preferred, but exact cash at the door will be accepted.
- Members bring your membership card (or App) for free entry.
Come along, be informed, network, or find out about the TPIA
Tuesday 20th May 2025, doors open 7pm for networking, please be seated by 7:30pm.
New Plymouth International Hotel, 220 Courtenay Street, New Plymouth
Door Charge: Non-members $20 – online pre-purchase through the TPIA website is preferred, but exact cash at the door will be accepted. Members bring your membership card (or App) for free entry.